NOW On PBS: What To Expect For Election '08

NOW on PBS: This week, David Brancaccio shares a table with outspoken former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and former McCain strategist Dan Schnur


This week, David Brancaccio shares a table with outspoken former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and former McCain strategist Dan Schnur for an insider's look at what may happen next.

Brown tells NOW that resolving the delegate issue in Florida and Michigan, which were stripped of their delegates as punishment for moving up the dates of their primaries, is key to choosing the next Democratic candidate. "You can't envision winning this thing without those two states, and that's why you're going to see, sooner than later, compromises being floated out by responsible people on how to settle Michigan and how to settle Florida," Brown told NOW.[..]

He goes on to volunteer himself to help resolve the dispute. "I would love nothing better than to participate in trying to solve the Florida - Michigan issue," he says. This, in turn, is music to Schnur's ears. "As a Republican, there is nothing I would like to see more than the Democratic Party in such a situation in Denver where they needed the likes of Willie Brown to come in and help them solve this mess," Schnur says.

The entire episode is available on the PBS site as well as bonus features like Adventures in Democracy: Election '08 Coverage.

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