Mike's Blog Roundup

Words of Power: Darfur Crisis Update: A tale of two men. The Vanity Press: The Mr. Bean of British politics. Jazz from Hell: Matt Taibbi questions A

Words of Power: Darfur Crisis Update: A tale of two men.

The Vanity Press: The Mr. Bean of British politics.

Jazz from Hell: Matt Taibbi questions America's sanity

The Poor Man Institute: Shrill

The Opinion Mill's Sunday Bookchat: I.F. Stone and the right-wing lie that never dies... Books about Muslims that Muslims aren't allowed to review...National Review Online discovers the great liberal bookshelving conspiracy...All this and more in The Opinion Mill's Sunday Bookchat.

HOLY CRAP: The plank in Michael Gerson's eye...A couple America-hating preachers who don't get the ink they deserve...The Family Research Council is developing pre-packaged election-year sermons on Christian Right issues for pastors across the country...Science, religion, and the problem of evil...How many mortgages would Jesus have?...If you haven't been reading Fred Clark's page-by-page analysis of Left Behind, you ought to be...The Bible, on racial tolerance...Day of prayer...

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