Mike's Blog Roundup

Vidiot Speak: You gotta' cringe when the MSM reports on South American politics. The Largest Minority: Every action taken by the US Congress must be

Vidiot Speak: You gotta' cringe when the MSM reports on South American politics.

The Largest Minority: Every action taken by the US Congress must be heavily scrutinized within the understanding that business owns our government.

David Seaton's News Links: A billion Chinese can't be wrong...

Horses Ass: Gingrich warns of 'catastrophic collapse of trust in Republicans."

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Once again, the NYT excludes critics from Iraq war discussion...NPR's Rudin "Worst Person" for comparing Hillary to Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction...Hapless press corpse gave Pope a pass on Church abuse history...Newsweek's dutiful recitation of all the RNC's old favorites... No news is no news...Bob Schieffer, Company Man...Conservative blogs don't care about substance, either...The violent language of Right-Wing pundits poisons our democracy...WaPost columnist hits a new low...TV News Blackout on Pentagon pundits...

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