Supporting The Troops, Bush-Style

C&Ler "Z" sent this link to a letter to the editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette: SUPPORT THE TROOPS Many soldiers missing out on Bush's stimul

C&Ler "Z" sent this link to a letter to the editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette:

Many soldiers missing out on Bush's stimulus checks

In August 2006 the 10th Mountain Division, 2nd BCT, 1-89 Cavalry was sent to Iraq for 12 months. In April 2007, the troops were told the Army was adding three additional months to their time in country.

In November 2007 the troopers of 1-89 arrived back in New York from their tour. They are now being told by the IRS, via the IRS Web site, that they haven't earned enough money to qualify for the economic stimulus check.

There's an incentive for re-upping for three, four and five more tours. But hey, the good news is that the Pentagon has decided to change the way they handle the cremation of fallen soldiers after it came out that the crematorium the Pentagon has contracted with handles both human and pet remains. See, they're trying to be sensitive to the needs of those they've put in harm's way.

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