FOXNews Sunday Panel: Playing The "Name The Veep" Game

[media id=5248] [media id=5249] (h/t Heather) Where better to get reasonable analysis of the Veep sweepstakes than the GOP Propaganda, F

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Where better to get reasonable analysis of the Veep sweepstakes than the GOP Propaganda, FOXNews? As far as FOXNews is concerned (okay, to be fair, pretty much everyone else too), the race is over and now it is time for Obama to pick his running mate. Of course, the FOX punditocracy would love for it to be Hillary Clinton, because they can just recycle the same smears she's been vetted, and doubly beneficial it gives them a continued outlet to get their Bubba-hate on. Even the token "voice of reason," Juan Williams, says that the biggest negative of picking Hillary is not the strained relationship between the two rivals, but the out-of-control Bill.

Kristol: I think Bill Clinton-I've thought about this-I assume is intrigued by a Obama/Clinton ticket about a week ago. I think Bill Clinton is probably the showstopper there though. It's just too complicated. She can't even control him when she's running for President, how could could Obama control him if she's on the ticket as the VP nominee? It think it's just too...the addition of him to her and all that baggage is just too much.

Williams: So I think it would unify the party, I think these are two candidates that are very popular with Democrats across the board and the downside is what Bill said, that Bill Clinton would be in the mix and Barack Obama would have to be watching his back all the time, because you don't know what these people are up to-they're trying to overshadow you, that will be a problem.

For added fun, the Washingtonian expands the guessing game to suggest who might be on an Obama Cabinet.

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