"Living A Republican War", The Lieberman Version

Kyra Phillips brought up an interesting point for the good Senator from the Nutmeg State today on American Morning, namely that even the Iraqi soldi

Kyra Phillips brought up an interesting point for the good Senator from the Nutmeg State today on American Morning, namely that even the Iraqi soldiers don't want us there any longer. Lieberman replies with all the grace and aplomb we've come to expect from the man that it's a good thing they don't have "a vote in our election". Lieberman could just as well have left off that stipulation as completely unnecessary, replacing "our" with "their".

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PHILLIPS: All right. Let's step aside from the polls and talk subject matter. Obviously the Iraq war, he continues to embrace that. This is high on the agenda of the American people. I just returned from Baghdad and what was interesting to me, I sat down with dozens of Iraqi soldiers and dozens of students at Baghdad University and senator, they said to me, we don't want to see a Republican president. As a matter of fact, out of every single one that I talked, not one person said they supported John McCain. They said we're living a Republican war. Look at this. it's a disaster, we want to see a Democrat for president. What does John McCain say to the future of Iraq and we're talking about Iraqi soldiers and Baghdad university students? They're the ones living this.

LIEBERMAN: Well, I'm real surprised to hear that.

PHILLIPS: I was too, it was very interesting. They were very blunt and very straight forward.

LIEBERMAN: Yes, not that I expect the Iraqis to vote in our election, but I will tell you that in all of the visits i have made there and it's eight, the Iraqi people on the street, the Iraqi military, the Iraqi government that I've talked to don't want us to just pick up and leave because -- which is what Senator Obama, Senator Clinton have been advocating. They want us obviously not to stay there forever, Senator McCain wants the war to stop and to have us pull back into bases and be on a path, a reasonable path of withdrawal. But I think the Iraqi people more than anybody know, they made tremendous progress in the last year and a half towards security, towards economic rebirth, some kind of political, national reconciliation.

And the last thing they want us to do in '09 is just to pick up what we begin to retreat because they'll be the victims. They'll be genocide, there'll be genocide, there will be bloodshed they have made tremendous progress in the last year and a half, thwart security, toward economic rebirth, toward some kind of political national reconciliation reconciliation. The last thing they want us to do in '09 is to begin to retreat because they will be the victims, there will be genocide, bloodshed. Iran and Al Qaeda will win and we will lose. And I'm surprised at what your unscientific poll found. I honestly don't think it reflects the feeling of most Iraqis, certainly not the ones that I've met when I've been there.

And here is the video from March that Kyra Phillips is referencing.

Just to be perfectly clear here, I did ask them are you following any of the republican candidates?…Do you want to talk about John McCain? Within that whole group, not one wanted a republican in the US presidential seat. They were all for a democrat. They were all for that type of change because they said they were living a republican war.”

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