Mike's Blog Round Up
Obsidian Wings: National Review — wrong about those Democratic 'economic elites' and campaign contributions. Alicublog: National Review — wrong
Obsidian Wings: National Review — wrong about those Democratic 'economic elites' and campaign contributions.
Alicublog: National Review — wrong about McCain's chances of selling the GOP as "the party of optimism" in 2008.
Sadly, No: National Review — wrong about the homeless causing global warming. (Hmm, I'm sensing a trend here.)
Eye on Economics: Distributorcap NY examines growing socio-economic inequality, while Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman explain why you should hate some economists — something to do with endorsements of McCain's "wildly irresponsible" tax proposals.
Guest roundup by Batocchio. Please e-mail submissions and tips to Batocchio9 at yahoo dot com. Thanks!