Yacht Party 2: Rebranding The Republicans

It was only a few years ago that Arnold Schwarzenegger recalled a sitting governor, promising the end of massive budget deficits. Guess what we have

It was only a few years ago that Arnold Schwarzenegger recalled a sitting governor, promising the end of massive budget deficits. Guess what we have in California this year? Oh, just a measly $20 billion deficit.

Our schools are closing and social services have already been slashed to the bone. And it is just the start of budget season in California. Unfortunately, because Democrats do not hold a two-thirds majority in the state legislature, a small minority of Republicans are able to hold Californians hostage, refusing to raise taxes, no matter how ridiculous the loopholes.

Even, get this... a sales tax loophole for purchasers of yachts and private jets. The Republicans have very much earned the moniker bestowed on them by the Calitics crew: The Yacht Party.

The Courage Campaign has teamed up with the California Nurses Association to create "Yacht Party 2", the second in a series of TV ads designed to re-brand the California Republican Party. This spot is not your traditional political ad. In fact, it's quite non-traditional. And it's got a lot of people talking. In fact, the response to Arianna Huffington's message announcing the ad to Courage Campaign members was so strong, we have already authorized an ad buy in Sacramento. See what you think....

To increase the pressure on Republicans in Sacramento to close this yacht tax loophole, we need to make this "Yacht Party" brand stick. If you like the ad, please contribute to help us expand our buy across California.

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