America Is Rotting From Within And No One Seems To Care

(photo via AP) While we continue to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into Iraq, a study over at Scholars & Rogues finds that that money is d

(photo via AP)

While we continue to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into Iraq, a study over at Scholars & Rogues finds that that money is desperately needed here at home, as our infrastructure is literally crumbling from beneath us.

S&R: (h/t Mike Sheehan)

The United States has much more than failing bridges to find, fund and fix. The proposals of the remaining presidential candidates do little to inspire faith that they understand the breadth of the problem or have the political skill, will and courage to address it forthrightly.

In December, a commission established by Congress in 2005 under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act—A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) provided the sobering statistics. The United States needs to spend $225 billion annually — more than twice what it does now — for the next 50 years. That’s more than $11 trillion worth of fix-ups on surface transportation systems alone.

Although stump speeches filled with rhetoric about bridges and roads may not be the "sexiest" thing a pol can talk about, the reality is that our country is falling apart. And without the infusion of funds and the commission of a major public works program, things are only going to get worse.

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