Mike's Blog Round Up

Gin and Tacos: Conservatives' states benefit the most from the federal tax policies they often oppose. Shakesville: "Obama Racism/Muslim/Unpatriotic/

Gin and Tacos: Conservatives' states benefit the most from the federal tax policies they often oppose.

Shakesville: "Obama Racism/Muslim/Unpatriotic/Scary Black Dude Watch Part Forty-Three and Clinton Sexism Watch Part Ninety-One." Now with Bigot Bingo!

Huffington Post: Ali Eteraz debunks Edward Luttwack's claims that the Muslim world might seek to execute Barack Obama as an apostate. (Funny how the New York Times is essentially recycling the same, long-debunked concern trolling of Daniel Pipes and other right-wingers from four months ago.)

Campaign for America's Future: Bill Scher examines McCain's move "from independent maverick to incoherent conservative" on the environment, and Rick Perlstein's Nixonland book tour might be hitting your city this very week.

Media Bloodhound: Not even Tim Russert and his dry erase board can compete with John King's "months-long affair" with his interactive election map. (The map could do sooo much better.)

Guest roundup by Batocchio. Please e-mail submissions and tips to Batocchio9 at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

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