Kathleen Parker: Obama & Edwards Are Teh Gay!

When it starts looking bad for them, count on conservatives to making ridiculous smears that show how bigoted they are. Fresh from the "liberal medi

When it starts looking bad for them, count on conservatives to making ridiculous smears that show how bigoted they are. Fresh from the "liberal media" pages of the Washington Post, courtesy of our friends at Sadly, No!:

Welp, here's yet another low reached by Fred Hiatt's allegedly prestigious op-ed page:

The Democrats Hug It Out
By Kathleen Parker

Well, at least they didn't kiss.

I was bracing myself for the lip lock Wednesday when John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama.

Don't look at me. David "Mudcat" Saunders, Edwards's former rural adviser, came up with the idea, saying Obama should kiss Edwards on the lips "to kill this 41-point loss," referring to Hillary Clinton's landslide victory in the West Virginia primary.

Instead, the two men exchanged a manly air-hug to commemorate the moment when Edwards threw Clinton under the upholstered sofa on his grandmama's front porch.

As Edwards gave what amounted to a stump speech highlighting his favorite subject - John Edwards - Americans were reminded of why the North Carolina son-of-a-millworker won't be their presidential nominee.

Enraptured by his own message, Edwards seemed reluctant to hand over the microphone. He finally relinquished the stage, after describing, yet again, the "wall" that he says divides Americans: "There is one man who knows in his heart that it is time to create one America, not two. And that man is Barack Obama."

The "wall" refers to the one Edwards erected in the hearts and minds of Americans who hadn't yet realized they were miserable, disenfranchised and seething with rage - not the wall that used to run through Berlin.

It's tough to list all the things that make this column so mind-crushingly stupid, but let's give it a shot: Read on...

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