The New York Times Cleans Up Kristol's Mess...Kinda

As my esteemed colleague Logan noted the other day, Bill Kristol embarrassed himself (again) last week when he claimed on the pages of The New York T

As my esteemed colleague Logan noted the other day, Bill Kristol embarrassed himself (again) last week when he claimed on the pages of The New York Times that he couldn't find a single instance where an eventual Presidential nominee lost by a primary by a 41%+ margin. The Old Gray Lady finally caught up with blogosphere and has issued a "correction" to Kristol's column.

Correction: May 21, 2008

In his column on Monday, Bill Kristol said he could not find a recent primary in which the candidate who would go on to win the nomination lost by as big a margin as
Barack Obama lost by (41 points) in West Virginia.
Mitt Romney won the essentially uncontested Utah primary on Feb. 5 with about 90 percent of the vote.

Also, the California Supreme Court is based in
San Francisco, not the state capital, Sacramento.

Jeremy Jerry Skurnik of RoomEight, the blogger who first caught Kristol's error, isn't satisfied with the dismissive apology. Read why here.

John Cole says it best:

I am noticing a trend here. Kristol claims government is inefficient, ineffective, and bad, gets a bunch of his buddies elected, and proves it. He also rails against the MSM, claims they can’t get their facts straight, gets a job at the NY Times, and proves it.

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