Mike's Blog Round Up

Guest blogged by Mark Hoback of The Aristocrats. Roy Edroso takes a look at George Packers piece on 'The Fall of Conservatism' and says hold on there

Guest blogged by Mark Hoback of The Aristocrats.

Roy Edroso takes a look at George Packers piece on 'The Fall of Conservatism' and says hold on there a minute, cowpoke.

At American Street, Sister Nancy Beth Eczema makes a bold stand for anti-homosexual rights.

Belacqua Jones discuses the necessity of Keeping America Safe From Democracy

Swift take: Isn't it about time for Obama to concede this thing?

They wouldn't really remake 'Red Dawn', would they?

...and to play us out of here, Was Not Was has returned from the dead, and sounds poppin' fresh. Ciao.

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