Mike's Blog Roundup
Old People's News: US residents in military brigs. Your governmnet says 'it's war.' Gristmill: The USDA cravenly stops measuring the poisons used in
Old People's News: US residents in military brigs. Your governmnet says 'it's war.'
Gristmill: The USDA cravenly stops measuring the poisons used in US farming. Meanwhile, Germany has banned chemicals linked to honeybee devastation.
Corrente: Hillary's RFK/assassination gaffe inspired more of the molehills to mountains
reaction we've come to expect from the press - and many blogs. This seem appropriate.
Halfway There: Lots of first black presidents
Kids Prefer Cheese: Things to do in Denver when you're dead.
The Opinion Mill's Sunday Bookchat: For Memorial Day -- a book about America's finest hour, and a gauge of how badly America's moral standing has been soiled by the Bush administration. The man who prosecuted Charles Manson would like to do the same for King George II. And a new book argues that the problem with conservative foreign policy isn' the "foreign policy" part -- it's the "conservative" part.