Me, The Real McCain And The AFL-CIO

Hi folks, sorry to be a bother, but just wanted to invite you intrepid C&Lers who live in the DC area to join me Friday night at a book event for

Hi folks, sorry to be a bother, but just wanted to invite you intrepid C&Lers who live in the DC area to join me Friday night at a book event for The Real McCain at the AFL-CIO. Below are all the details, and I look forward to meeting you!

Join author/blogger Cliff Schecter in a book discussion about

THE REAL McCAIN: Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Him and Why Independents Shouldn’t

Sen. John McCain opposed making President George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.
Now he supports this boondoggle for the rich.

McCain, a POW, stood against torture.
This year, he voted to allow water boarding.

McCain once was a campaign finance reformer.
Now, he’s a candidate whose campaign is run by lobbyists.

Please join Cliff, Jane Hamsher and others on Friday, May 30, 2008 from 6–8 p.m. at AFL-CIO Building, 815 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Please R.S.V.P. by calling John Goltz at 202-508-6938.

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