Mike's Blog Roundup
The Mahablog: Who's the meanie? Common Cause Blog: What kind of impact do Clean Elections have on participants in democracy? A big one. Princess Spa
The Mahablog: Who's the meanie?
Common Cause Blog: What kind of impact do Clean Elections have on participants in democracy? A big one.
Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog: Condi meets...Kiss?
American Street: South Korea doesn't want our beef
The Opinion Mill: It's the Weasel Boy Special vs. the Straight Talk Express! Should Republican sleaze weasels be rewarded for telling the truth after the fact? Should presidential candidates be rewarded for retooling themselves along the lines of the people they ought to despise? Only the Opinion Mill's Sunday Bookchat dares to ask!
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: The jerk at the podium..."What liberal media?" department...Press corpse getting Iraq war wrong all over again...What does the decay of journalism have to do with our appetite for celebrity gossip?...It took years, but our press finally noticed the frightful surge in Iraq vet suicides...Killing your customers is a bad business model...Find out what the world thinks about US...WSJ bizarrely claim surge's "success" means troops must stay