Mike's Blog Roundup
Informed Comment: The real question is, would John McCain be good for women? Feministing: Weekly feminist reader Greatscat! Priorities, priorities..
Informed Comment: The real question is, would John McCain be good for women?
Feministing: Weekly feminist reader
Greatscat! Priorities, priorities...
Hammer Of The Blogs: Stop Apologizing
The Satirical Political Report: The true story of the Democrats' 2008 "color wars.'
HOLY CRAP: Which Senator lives and loves with D.C. Satanists?...Trying to find something that will stick...Israelis argue over Hagee...'Personhood' begins at fertilization...Repuglican Supreme Court Justices in Wisconsin see nothing wrong with Pastor's call to kill homos...Jesus endorses Obama...Hagee gets ovation at AIPAC...Can Obama get 40% of the evangelical vote?...Is the war in Iraq a U.S. Crusade for Christ?...Al Quada mastermind questions terrorism...Bill Maher's movie on religion coming soon...Balancing faith and doubt