Mike's Blog Roundup
Oliver Willis: Obama - Let's talk about 9/11 Political Animal: Blackwater patriots want lawsuit decided under Islamic law. Chris Floyd: Mad Men: Pat
Oliver Willis: Obama - Let's talk about 9/11
Political Animal: Blackwater patriots want lawsuit decided under Islamic law.
Chris Floyd: Mad Men: Patholgy, Pretense and Power
Corrente: National Fourth Amendment Defense Day
The Satirical Political Report: Citing 'change over 'experience,' an angry electorate also seeks to replace God.
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Obama smear merchant welcomed at National Press Club, gets arrested...Media Hall of Shame...Ambush Makeover... MSNBC hosts McCain backer to discuss offshore drilling, but did not mention his former post as energy lobbyist...Putting the "Me" in Memorial...Things we don't see...Ben Stein, liar...Only the cell phones of the Iraqi people record life in Baghdad...Racial fun with Sean Hannity...Fox anchor claims Iranian missle could be fired into the US...Another lesson in Tim Russert's death...Brit Hume loves him some Obama/Muslim smears...Manufacturing differences between McSame & Bush...The press needs to get off the stage...Searching for the source of a bogus story...