Mike's Blog Roundup

Common Dreams: To date, the U.S. government hasn't given any former detainee financial compensation or apologized for wrongfully imprisoning him, ship

Common Dreams: To date, the U.S. government hasn't given any former detainee financial compensation or apologized for wrongfully imprisoning him, shipping him around the world and holding him without legal recourse. Then, there are the ones we murdered. Looks like the Bush Crime Family's travel will be restricted.

TPM Election Central: WTF? Barack Obama has cut a radio spot for conservative Dem Rep. John Barrow of Georgia, who favors staying in Iraq and who favors immunity for the telecom companies. Let Obama know how you feel about this.

Martini Revolution: If the above didn't make ya sick, this will...

Hill's Country: Having run out of ideas for slogans, Texas Republican are soliciting ideas for a new bumper sticker featuring the likeness of Barack Obama.

Capital Eye: In light of recent revelations that Angelo Mozilo, the CEO of giant mortgage lender Countrywide Financial, extended preferential loans to several members of Congress and presidential appointees, it's reasonable to wonder how many lawmakers and other top government officials have borrowed money from Mozilo's company

TBogg: Everyone is having more and better sex than you.

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