Mike's Blog Roundup

Brad DeLong: This was nice to see coming from an ex-Republican Intel Dump: After the waterboarding... We are respectable negroes: Six degrees of sep

Brad DeLong: This was nice to see coming from an ex-Republican

Intel Dump: After the waterboarding...

We are respectable negroes: Six degrees of separation for John McCain

Arms Control Wonk: NATO Nukes not secure.

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: What Would Jack Do?, The Progressive Puppy, Kick!, Aunt Jemima's Revenge

CORRECTION: In yesterday's Roundup, I noted that Mugsy's Rap Sheet was asking readers to contribute to a master list of Sidney McMaverick's flip flops and gaffes. I also mentioned that I considered Jon Perr to be the blogosphere's foremost authority on that vast subject. Jon writes that, while flattered by the compliment, he believes the actual "foremost authority" on this matter is frequent Crooks and Liars contributor Steve Benen. Sorry for the oversight, Steve!

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