Countdown: Gas Pain, John McCain And The $300 Million Battery

Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain, proposed a gas tax holiday which turned out to be a non-starter with the American people, then he fl

Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain, proposed a gas tax holiday which turned out to be a non-starter with the American people, then he flip flopped on offshore drilling, and now, with his latest proposal to help end our current energy crisis, the Arizona Senator proves why voters prefer Barack Obama over him when it comes to the economy and solving the energy crisis.

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Keith Olbermann talked to Chris Hayes from The Nation on Monday's Countdown about McCain's $300 million dollar offer to anyone who can design a "Flash Gordon-y" battery, and exposes it for the joke that it really is. McCain even said he would pay the hefty sum by cutting out pork barrel projects from his budget -- which is a bit confusing as he is supposed to be the savior who will step in and put an end to all pork barrel spending.

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