Mike's Blog Roundup

skippy the bush kangaroo: The impertinent skippy had the gall to write to three journalists, questioning them on why the press corps insisted on frami

skippy the bush kangaroo: The impertinent skippy had the gall to write to three journalists, questioning them on why the press corps insisted on framing Obama as "arrogant" in the presidential seal story when McCain's own senatorial campaign committee did the same thing. Two ignored him, and another reacted the way royalty always does.

The Brad Blog: 10 things to know about Charlie Black

the age: Why are Americans so scared of women? (h/t swimgirl)

Truthdig: Scott Ritter on "The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was."

naked capitalism: The End of Exceptionalism? IMF to examine US financial system

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Real journalists don't make $5 million a year...Customs agents seizing reporter's laptops and cameras without cause...Media & Govt. torture coverup continues...Broder and Woodward's lame alibis...Beatblogging...A fair & balanced Russert obit...Fox does a story about voter fraud, cites NO voter fraud...Dowdy...Tweety...Lara Logan being smeared for her criticism of Iraq war coverage...McClatchy and the downsizing of journalism...Glen Beck wouldn't detain terror suspects, he'd ‘Shoot Them All In The Head'...NOW's Media Hall of Shame...How to pretend you give a sh*t about the election

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