Shorter Bonnie Erbe

Barack Obama, Serial Flip-Flopper Barack Obama is a far worse flip-flopper than John McCain, provided you ignore all of John McCain's egregious flip

Barack Obama, Serial Flip-Flopper

  • Barack Obama is a far worse flip-flopper than John McCain, provided you ignore all of John McCain's egregious flip-flops.

In perhaps one of the most shameful displays of John McCain Media Worship, Bonnie Erbe takes to the pages of US News & World Report today to decry that Barack Obama, not John McCain, has been more flexible on the issues. That's a pretty easy thing to do when you claim John McCain has only flip-flopped on offshore drilling.

Seeing that the entire US News research team must have called out sick today, here is a freebie from your friends at C&L, Bonnie:

1. Bush tax cuts.

2. Jerry Falwell and the religious right

3. Offshore drilling

4. Public financing - Opting in, then out, then in again

5. Windfall profits tax on oil companies

6. Bush's concept of inherent authority

7. Privatizing social security

8. Estate tax

etc. etc.

What a sloppy and shoddy piece of "journalism" from someone who claims to have been covering politics since "God was a baby" -- or since John McCain was a teenager.

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