Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread

Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies from the Tango in the Night album It's Sunday morning, so it's time for those little lies to come out. Meet the Press i

Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies from the Tango in the Night album

It's Sunday morning, so it's time for those little lies to come out. Meet the Press is pre-empted for Wimbledon coverage, but with that exception, it looks like the same lying liars out in force, including everyone's favorite neocon apologist in Democratic er, Independent clothing, Holy Joe Lieberman on This Week and Lindsay Graham on Face The Nation. We're also going to be subject to some of the self-reverential navel gazing the media loves to do with a "media panel" on FoxNews Sunday (I guess that's a kind way of referring to Bill Kristol and Mara Liasson) and a 10 year retrospective on Late Edition. Slim pickings, I'd say.

ABC's "This Week" - Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut; Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I.; Bob Barr, Libertarian presidential candidate.

CBS' "Face the Nation" - Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Lindsay Graham, R-S.C.

CNN's "Late Edition" - Retrospective on the show's 10th anniversary.

"Fox News Sunday" - Media panel.

"Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Katty Kay, David Gregory, Gloria Borger, David Brooks. Topics: Will Hillary's troops climb aboard the Obama bandwagon? What should Obama look for in a running mate? Can McCain escape the bad economy by warning that Obama will raise taxes? YES: 5 NO: 7 Will Hillary get on board convincingly for Obama? YES: 9 No: 3

So what's catching your eye this morning?

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