Jim Webb: Don't Look At Me For VP
Marc Ambinder: Barack Obama's vice presidential selection team has begun to ask potential candidates for information and documents, a signal that th
Barack Obama's vice presidential selection team has begun to ask potential candidates for information and documents, a signal that the formal vetting phase of the search process has begun.
Last week, members of the team gave Sen. James Webb of VA a list of what they needed to begin their investigation of his background and career. Webb refused, telling them that he did not want to be considered for the position.In a statement today, Webb disclosed that he had "communicated to Senator Obama and his presidential campaign my firm intention to remain in the United States Senate, where I believe I am best equipped to serve the people of Virginia and this country. Under no circumstances will I be a candidate for Vice President."
Huffington Post has more, including Webb's full statement. Ambinder says that the Veepstakes are on people's mind on the other side as well:
Republicans close to the McCain campaign say that veepstakes supervisor A.B. Culvahouse has begun to vet between eight and ten candidates, including Gov. Tim Pawlenty of MN and Ex-Gov. Mitt Romney of MA.