Mike's Blog Roundup
Zaius Nation: A brief preview of the 2008 Republican National Convention. Corrente: ICE Raid in Iowa: We ARE the Terrorists Now The Agitator: War Cr
Zaius Nation: A brief preview of the 2008 Republican National Convention.
Corrente: ICE Raid in Iowa: We ARE the Terrorists Now
The Agitator: War Crimes
Seeing the Forest: Latest wingnut/unaccountable BUSHCO meme: Insolvency and heedless regulators are not the cause of bank failure. It's Chuck Schumer's fault.
Discourse.net: Miami wakes up to political reality
The Opinion Mill's Sunday Bookchat: Get a look at the new blockbuster from Thomas Frank, author of What's the Matter with Kansas? Get an earful from Naomi Klein about the latest uses of the "shock doctrine." Get a load of the jailbird who did a book review for the New York Sun. Get a boost from the success of a book about prosecuting Bush. And get a chance to compare the verse of Mao Zedong with the prose stylings of Bill O'Reilly. All this and more...
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Broderella channels Nooners...Leader writing...The Pentagon wants you to get the 'full story'...Bugliosi is selling a lotta books, but the MSM won't touch him...MoDo goes to Fantasy Camp...FOIA Is Bushed...This is the last post of longtime LA Times reporter, Ken Reich...Arlington Cemetery whistleblower fired for trying to grant media access to Military funerals...Primetime Ad Rates fall 11%...Matt Drudge rules the 'journo' political world....Your press thinks killing people is funny...And That's The Way It Is... Journalisms...Hysterical controversy about Jesse Jackson's remarks...Fourth Estate or Fifth Column?