Scarborough To Lieberman: Don't You Just Hate The "Angry Left"?
For a "darling of the left," Joe Scarborough sure doesn't seem to like us all that much. Today on "Morning Joe," he and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) practica
Scarborough: "Me and Mike Barnicle talk a good bit about these bloggers and people on the far, far, far left. The angry left. Here we have Joe Lieberman, progressive on civil rights. progressive on the environment, progressive on economic issues, progressive on union isues, yet they throw him overboard over one issue. Aren't we talking about extremism on the left and the right?"
While it's true that Lieberman has a pretty strong record of supporting traditionally Democratic positions -- something he should be properly recognized for -- the fact remains that he is a Bush loyalist and absolutist on the most transcendental issues of the day. As I wrote about back in May, Lieberman's betrayal extends far beyond the "one issue" of the war; he supports Bush and the Republicans on every single controversial topic, from torture and habeas corpus, to FISA and judicial nominations. Oh, and did I mention the fact that he is he most outspoken advocate for John McCain, and that he helps spread the most vile of smears about his supposed party's nominee for President? By whatever math you choose to employ, all of those add up to more than "one issue."
Lieberman has every right to support whatever position he wants to, but (a) let us dispense already with this "one issue" nonsense, and (b) he shouldn't be surprised when he is attacked by the Democratic base for embracing every single Republican position.
Then again, what do I know....I'm just a card-carrying member of the DFH "angry left."
John Amato: What a shock. Harold Ford was having a grand old time with the crew.