Naomi Klein Debunks Bush's Off Shore Drilling Plan; But Does FBC Hear It?
Gah! I admit that I've never watched Fox Business Channel, even though my cable company carries it. Based on this clip of their "after-the-market-cl
Gah! I admit that I've never watched Fox Business Channel, even though my cable company carries it. Based on this clip of their "after-the-market-closes" show, Happy Hour, I see I've made a wise choice. What kind of surreal experience is this? Bar set, complete with a bartender and business men with their brewskis in the background, host Rebecca Gomez looking like she's ready to hook up and whose only research before interviewing Naomi Klein appears to be skimming the reviews of The Shock Doctrine on Amazon, and to top it off, guest host Eric Bolling admits to not only being an oil trader, but never looking at the book? That's respect, I'll tell you, for the collective intelligence of their viewers as well as Naomi.
Still, with all the obstacles Fox Business Channel places in the way of having an intelligent discussion, Klein still gets in some great points that leave the embarassingly ill-informed Fox hosts with little to do but sputter inanities like "Naomi, do you like capitalism?"
Klein: This is just a classic example of what I mean by ‘disaster capitalism,' which is using a real disaster, a real crisis, or a shock-like the oil shock-to push through policies that you can't get through in normal circumstances. So here you have a shock, you have a real oil crisis. People are in pain, they want solutions. And you got the President, the "Extortionist-in-Chief" whose job is actually to solve the problems, but instead he holds the country hostage. And he says, "Listen, unless you give me ANWR, you'll never drive again."
Gomez: Wait a minute, so this is, just so I've set it up correctly, this is so you're saying that the President's taking advantage of this crisis...
Klein: Exactly...
Gomez: get into ANWR.
Klein: push the wish list of the oil and gas industries. These are not real solutions. People need real solutions. They're presenting this as if it's a short-term solution and you guys know full well that it's a long...if it's any...going to have any kind of impact on gas prices, it's in the long run. But people are so desperate for solutions that they're willing to buy anything.
Bolling: Listen, I have to take the other side of this...
Klein: You're kidding!
Bolling: ...I've been talking a long time about the know, it's really only about a year to 5 to 6 years to pull some oil out of the water in the outer continental shelf now.
Klein: A year? You need to build the rig!
Bolling: No, no, listen, they're already built. All you have to do is move it.
Klein: I'm hearing different things.
Gomez: He's an oil trader though, Naomi, he may know!