Rachel Maddow Tops "Short List" For Own MSNBC Show
(Bess Greenberg/The New York Times) New York Times: For clues about who might be next to get a show on MSNBC, viewers need not have looked further
For clues about who might be next to get a show on MSNBC, viewers need not have looked further than “Countdown” earlier this month. For eight nights beginning just before the Fourth of July, Rachel Maddow, the host of a program on Air America, the liberal talk-radio network, served as a substitute for the vacationing Keith Olbermann.
“At some point, I don’t know when, she should have a show,” said Phil Griffin, hours before he was promoted on Wednesday to president of MSNBC. “She’s on the short list. It’s a very short list. She’s at the top.”
Despite being in agreement with Rachel on mostly everything, I think she would make a fantastic host. She has an uncanny ability not only to make sense of every issue by logically stringing together facts, she is always able to explain it clearly and coherently. We'll keep out fingers crossed, Rachel.
Anyone got any ideas for a title? (h/t Jamie)