Mike's Blog Roundup

democracy arsenal: Our network stooges remain in the tank, but the determinedly blinkered Beltway pundits have finally noticed McGrampa's serial gaffe

democracy arsenal: Our network stooges remain in the tank, but the determinedly blinkered Beltway pundits have finally noticed McGrampa's serial gaffes, and even the normally hackish Joe Klein has written about his desperate dishonesty. But the Maverick's latest isn't a mere gaffe. It betrays a frightening fundamental ignorance of Iraq.

Calculated Risk: $1 trillion needed to solve the Housing Crisis. Mortgage rates increase sharply. G-Dub says, 'Wall Street got drunk'.

The Mahatma X Files: I'm feeling safer already! Thanks for caving on that FISA legislation, Barack!

Street Prophets: Joe Lieberman is less popular with Jews than Barack Obama

Skewz: S.C. state Senator and southern fried bigot posts Osama-Obama photo

The Satirical Political Report: McCain resubmits his op-ed to the New York Times

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