Every Single Democratic Senate Challenger Supports Net Neutrality

This is some of the best news I've heard in a while. Matt Stoller at OpenLeft has compiled statements from every major Democratic Senate candidate on

This is some of the best news I've heard in a while. Matt Stoller at OpenLeft has compiled statements from every major Democratic Senate candidate on net neutrality and is happy to report that they all support it and plan to fight hard to make it law.


For the last few months, we've been posting Democratic Senate challenger positions on net neutrality here at OpenLeft. Since we started posting, we've been getting in statements and positions, from blogs like Cotton Mouth and the Political Base, from the candidates themselves, and from readers who took the time to ask and send in statements. I'm happy to report that every single Democratic challenger with more than $500k in cash on hand has announced their support for net neutrality. This is a milestone for the fight for internet freedom. I included statements reacting to this news from Senator Byron Dorgan, Speaker Pelosi, FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, Google public policy director Alan Davidson, and Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu.

Make sure to go over and read all the responses and consider dropping a dime in the coffers of these great candidates. Many, many important issues are going to be decided during the next Congress and we can't afford to have them decided by the likes of Norm Coleman and Ted "Tubes" Stevens.

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