O'Reilly Attacks Scott McClellan For Telling The Truth
Last week Scott McClellan told Chris Matthews that the White House "certainly" made an effort to get "talking points" out to FOX commentators like Se
"I never once received a talking point from the White House, so McClellan is not telling the truth about me!" Should I be angry? Nah. But I have to call a lie a lie, especially because this garbage was picked up by CNN. [...] By the way, McClellan would never dare say that to my face."
UPDATE: John Amato: O'Reilly seems to think everything revolves around him. Scotty was talking about FOX News and not O'Reilly specifically. GOP talking points run through FOX like blood runs through our veins. BillO can throw all the temper tantrums he wants. It's just fact. And Bill doesn't need White House talking points anyway.