FOXNews Flips Heckler Story, Says Obama SKIPPED Pledge Of Allegiance

[media id=6001] [media id=6002] (h/t Bill W) Some idiot got access to press credentials and got into an Obama campaign rally yesterday in Berea, Oh

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Some idiot got access to press credentials and got into an Obama campaign rally yesterday in Berea, Ohio and began heckling the candidate, demanding he say the pledge of allegiance. Obama handled it perfectly by quieting the crowd and calling the guy's bluff by leading the crowd in reciting the pledge.

A man sneaks into the press area at a presidential campaign event, interrupts him with heckling and attempts to make him look unpatriotic, and how does FOXNews frame the story? Obama SKIPPED the pledge of allegiance! He hates America, don't you know.

Since when is the pledge of allegiance required to be recited before all campaign events?

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