Mike's Blog Roundup

The Jed Report: I like Russ Feingold, but WTF! And I thought this guy, or maybe this guy, was the the Douchebag of the Week. Balloon Juice: How the p

The Jed Report: I like Russ Feingold, but WTF! And I thought this guy, or maybe this guy, was the the Douchebag of the Week.

Balloon Juice: How the politicization of that patronage mill we laughingly call the Department of Justice could hurt Obama in November.

David E's Fablog: At the International AIDS Conference, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged nations “to follow Mexico’s bold example and pass laws against homophobia.”

Whiskey Fire: And you shall know us by the rolling of our eyes

TPMCafe: Somebody should drive a stake through the heart of the WaPo's coverage of economics, especially the Federal budget. The atrocities continue below...

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Pedaling stupid...They love the 'elitist' meme but only for the black guy...WaPo calls out uppity Obama, later admits bungling his quote, but won't run retraction...Broderella mistakes Ted Stevens for the Prince of Peace...Media stenos gobble up 'Race Card' spin...Poli-tech 'reporter' for the Moonie Times...FBI obtained reporters' phone records...Things they didn't report...What you should know about the Associated Press...CNN anchor (Mrs. Dan Senor) scoffs at hearings critical of her husband's former employers....The Scum Also Rises...CNN uses selective breeding advocate as a source for "Black in America" series...MoDo hits bottom, keeps digging...The Real News Network...

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