Why Doesn't Bush Want Veterans Voting?

An op-ed in today's New York Times questions the Veterans Administration's policy that bans nonpartisan voter registration drives from federally-finan

An op-ed in today's New York Times questions the Veterans Administration's policy that bans nonpartisan voter registration drives from federally-financed veterans sites.


WHAT is the secretary of Veterans Affairs thinking? On May 5, the department led by James B. Peake issued a directive that bans nonpartisan voter registration drives at federally financed nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and shelters for homeless veterans. As a result, too many of our most patriotic American citizens — our injured and ill military veterans — may not be able to vote this November.

The federal government should be doing everything it can to support our nation’s veterans who have served us so courageously. There can be no justification for any barrier that impedes the ability of veterans to participate in democracy’s most fundamental act, the vote.

So let me get this straight: We ask these brave young men and women to risk their lives in order to protect our rights and freedoms -- most important of which is the right to vote -- and then we make it harder for them to exercise that right when they return? Why is Bush so afraid to have our veterans register and vote?

(HT: Faiz)

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