Bobby Jindal Can't Think Of Any McCain Ideas
from Think Progress: This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, host David Gregory asserted that the Republican Party “used to be the party of big ide
This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, host David Gregory asserted that the Republican Party “used to be the party of big ideas.” Gregory then asked his guest Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), “What’s the big idea Senator McCain is campaigning on?” Jindal responded, “I think there’s several,” but couldn’t provide an answer. Gregory asked again, “Where are the new big ideas of the Republican Party that John McCain is, is championing?” And again Jindal couldn’t provide an answer.
Mitt Romney had a similar problem with Wolf Blitzer.
BLITZER: All right, a serious charge. Can you cite one legislative accomplishment that Senator McCain produced during those 26 years in Washington, in order to achieve energy independence?
ROMNEY: Well, I’m not a historian that goes through all of the pieces of legislation John McCain has worked on.