Coulter And Hannity? Desperate Much?

You know how we at C&L hate bringing teh crazy Ann to the table, but painting Obama as a killer of children with birth defects is proof-positive t

You know how we at C&L hate bringing teh crazy Ann to the table, but painting Obama as a killer of children with birth defects is proof-positive that she, Hannity, and other McCain surrogates are really truly desperate to "excite" the GOP base to show up at the polls this November. (Painting McCain honestly as a staunch enemy of choice might, well, unite the Democrats and Independents against him, you know.) Even Dennis Prager risks his life sitting next to Sean and saying "Huh?" True to the format of Hannity's show, there is no proof or documentation as to what vote when gives them fodder for an explosion of bile. But the format of the show does allow for a lot of cross-yelping from Coulter. Nothing like job security, Ann honey:

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