Mike's Blog Roundup
The Cunning Realist: One helluva gamble. It's hard to understand how anyone would trust another Republican to run anything. First Door on the Left: S
The Cunning Realist: One helluva gamble. It's hard to understand how anyone would trust another Republican to run anything.
First Door on the Left: Supporting the troops
Obsidian Wings: Is there any corner of the Bush administration that isn't hopelessly corrupt? Now it's Medicare officials who're caught not doing their jobs, lying about it, and costing us billions.
The Belgravia Dispatch: Thoughts on Georgia
Beat the Press: Why do reporters find it so difficult to understand protectionism for people like themselves? The atrocities continue below...
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: They print the propaganda first, because their good friends in the White House tell 'em to...WaPo or The Onion?...The Sleeping Media....Nearly half of Americans favor government mandated political balance on radio and TV...Lifting the ban on press photographing coffins of returning dead...The corporate media continues to operate as the propaganda arm of the Pentagon...Limbaugh: "Nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy"...Any press criticism of the Israeli government is off limits...Corsi frequent guest on White Supremacist radio..News Corp stock in the toilet...US targets Al Jazeera