Git Yer Veepstakes Rumor-Mongering Here

Mark Halperin does it again: Two Republicans close to the situation say McCain has apparently settled on Mitt Romney as his running mate. [..] Dev

Mark Halperin does it again:

Two Republicans close to the situation say McCain has apparently settled on Mitt Romney as his running mate. [..]


Nice Drudgian touch at the end, Mark. Of course, Halperin pulled down the page saying that the Veep was going to be Dick Lugar just a little bit before, which appeared to be based on nothing more Lugar endorsing McCain. Brilliant. Obviously, still wishing to not blow his "MSM Maker of Conventional Wisdom" title, Halperin updated with this weasel:


NY Times: "People close to the [McCain] campaign also floated a wild-card choice, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq."

Give me a break. Either report the news as it happens or start calling yourself Miss Cleo. This wild guessing is insulting to our intelligence.

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