Verdict: GOP Flack: McCain's POW Past Excuses Every Gaffe

Apparently Republican strategist Joe Watkins got the email about how to deal with McCain's "housing crisis," because last night on "Verdict" the alw

Apparently Republican strategist Joe Watkins got the email about how to deal with McCain's "housing crisis," because last night on "Verdict" the always reliable GOP shill stayed right on message, dismissing McCain's gaffe by pointing out how heroic, patriotic and POW-rific he is. Remind me again what being a former POW has to do with forgetting how rich, privileged and out of touch you are?

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Abrams: "Joe, I want to ask you if it's fair to call this 'playing the POW card. I want to ask you if that's an unfair characterization.'"

Watkins: "Everybody knows John McCain is a patriot. There's nothing wrong with having investment properties. Lots of Americans do. If I was Barack Obama, I wouldn't get into this argument with John McCain, who is an American hero."

Everyone respects John McCain's Vietnam service, but it's pretty sickening to hear the McCain campaign exploit that difficult chapter in his life every time he sticks his foot in his mouth. I mean, c'mon; In three short sentences, Watkins mentions twice that McCain is a "patriot" and "an American hero." That has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand, which is that despite all the GOP talking points to the contrary, John McCain is the one candidate in this race who cannot empathize with the struggles of average Americans.

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