Keeping Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer?
Aside from Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney gallivanting around the Denver Metro area (hoping to pick up a couple of undecided Democrats or just to mon
Aside from Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney gallivanting around the Denver Metro area (hoping to pick up a couple of undecided Democrats or just to monopolize broadcast air time? You decide) another notable non-Democrat in the Big Tent in Denver is T. Boone Pickens.
About The Big Tent
The Big Tent will be the place to be for new media journalists, bloggers, reporters, and non-profit leaders covering the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer. [..]
Quite simply, for anyone concerned about fostering a path toward a prosperous, climate-friendly society, The Big Tent's agenda reads like a who's who of heroes. From Lester Brown to Van Jones to Majora Carter to ..., there are people's whose fights for a better future cannot be question and whose visions merit a hearing in the halls of power. And, come next January, they will have a more receptive audience in the Oval Office and the Executive Branch.[..]
Another sponsoring organization could raise even more concern.
The Pickens' Plan is a "Major Sponsor" and is sponsoring a lunch in The Big Tent. And, speaking within The Big Tent will be T Boone Pickens. Next Wednesday, in The Big Tent, outside the Democratic National Committee, T Boone will be on the stage with Carl Pope, the Executive Director of the Sierra Club, and John Podesta, the President and Chief Executive Office of American Progress.[..]
For those listening to The Pickens Plan, a small reminder might be in order about The Pickens' Problem which ranges from being a key (and unrepentent) funder of the Swift-Boat Veterans for Truthiness and a continuing major contributor to the Republican Party, including his most recent political contributions maxing out to Jim Inhofe who, quite simply, is perhaps the worst member of the Senate when it comes to ending our oil addiction and moving toward a sensible energy future.
So why is a guy with that kind of resume hanging with the Dems? Get Energy Smart sees the difference between the Pickens' Plan and the Pickens Problem:
T. Boone Pickens speaks to the need to end America's oil addiction, to move off oil. T Boone Pickens' political contributions speak to continuing the status quo, to drilling the hole deeper when it comes to oil addiction.
Thus, until there is a resolution of The Pickens' Problem, all are advised to tread very carefully when it comes to T Boone Pickens and The Pickens' Plan.
Josh Nelson reminds us (as if you needed it) that this is a man Democrats should be leery of praising. Hear that Harry Reid and Dick Durbin?