Hang It Up, Scarborough.

Joe Scarborough goes after bloggers (I mean, who else is watching your show, Joe?) on a regular basis, denigrating us as Cheetos-eating Star Wars fan

Joe Scarborough goes after bloggers (I mean, who else is watching your show, Joe?) on a regular basis, denigrating us as Cheetos-eating Star Wars fans living in our mothers' basements. Joe's court jester Willie Geist interviews bloggers in the DNC Big Tent, and finds very few bloggers who fit Joe's slurs.

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As with most issues, what Joe says as opinion, is simply contrary to fact. Surveys of top political bloggers (here and here) in 2006 found that most are male, white, well-educated, around 45 years old, and earning above-average income. Kinda exactly like you, Joe. We also have extensive activist experience (I shook Ted Kennedy's hand at 18 and haven't really washed under the nails since), and we have an addictive level of news consumption (which is the only explanation I have as to why we get up to watch Morning Joe).

As an Ivy-educated middle-aged mother-of-three homeowner who does not own any Star Wars memorabilia, I can see why you might be jealous of bloggers, Joe. Few of us have to deal with little niggling details like dead staff in our office or having to carry the water of the Worst. President. Ever.

Also, as a blogger, I can tell you in the presence of my considerable, well-educated audience, to kiss my liberal elite blogger ass.

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