Sarah Palin, July 2008: I Don't Even Know What The Vice President Does

Republican VP candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told Larry Kudlow less than two months ago that she can't answer whether or not she would acc

Republican VP candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told Larry Kudlow less than two months ago that she can't answer whether or not she would accept the VP offer because she has no idea what the Vice President does.

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"As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday?"

Do we really need someone like this a heartbeat away from the Presidency? Especially given that McCain turned 72 today? Especially someone under investigation for abuse of power less than two years into office? That really is more of the same.

One dKos commenter answers Sarah's question:

  1. Leaves undisclosed location for the White House.
  1. Tells the President what to do.
  1. Orders Chief of Staff to obstruct a series of investigations.
  1. Snarls a few times.
  1. Returns to undisclosed location.


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