Mike's Blog Roundup

Billmon is back! TBogg; Cry. Wolf. The Pump Handle: Bayer CropScience officials repeatedly refused to give local emergency responders details about

Billmon is back!

TBogg; Cry. Wolf.

The Pump Handle: Bayer CropScience officials repeatedly refused to give local emergency responders details about last week's explosion and fire,

Crooked Timber: Presidential speech wordles

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: CharlieHipHop, Mortaljive, Politicker, Olly's Onions

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: The media's other new crush...ABC, CBS aired no analysis from Dems during RNC...The state of journalism...WaPo death spiral watch...Maverick no matter what...Philly radio talker called NOW the "National Organization for Whores"...Fox recycling 2004 attacks...Obama is winning the Web...Discover what the world thinks about U.S...Al Jazeera covers the conventions...Journos should write what they know and think...How would NPR cover the emergence of a police state?...Covering religious views...Van Susteren plays PR agent for Palin...Brokaw warns Dems to lay off McCain, and tells a lie...Possibly staged news pics...

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