FOX "News Analyst" Attacks MSNBC For Bias, Especially The "Lesbian Air America Host"

Oh no! He didn't! Well, yes he did. [media id=6290] [media id=6291] (h/t Bill W.) This is worse than any pot/kettle analogy could describe. Brent B

Oh no! He didn't! Well, yes he did.

Download Download (h/t Bill W.)

This is worse than any pot/kettle analogy could describe. Brent Budosky at The Hill:

Even by the low standards of the Republican News Network, this morning's attack on Rachel Maddow, on the Fox News network, as a "lesbian Air America host" was a despicable new low. Those words, an open appeal to bigotry and hate, [were] said by an alleged media analyst named Tim Graham... This is sick and despicable stuff, even for Fox News.

Here is a message to Barack Obama: You need to spend more time fighting back against the lies and smears of a Swift Boat campaign more ugly than the campaign against John Kerry, and less time having sweet-talk meetings with Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes followed by professorial discourse with Bill O'Reilly. This is war, Barack, and you had better fight back.

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