WTF? Virginia's GOP Minority Outreach Features George "Macaca" Allen

Wow. Talk about really tone deaf moves. Pam's House Blend: You just can't make this stuff up. I really didn't think the Allen asshattery of this we

Wow. Talk about really tone deaf moves.

Pam's House Blend:

You just can't make this stuff up. I really didn't think the Allen asshattery of this week's "Americans are not addicted to oil. Americans are addicted to freedom" comment could be topped, but this takes the cake.

Northern Virginia Republicans, realizing they need to improve their appeal among the region's large ethnic population, will stage a "unity" rally Saturday that they say will draw 1,000 people.

Organizers said the annual rally, which has grown in recent years, is particularly significant this year because ethnic minorities represent an increasingly powerful voting bloc that will help decide which presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama or Sen. John McCain, wins the state Nov. 4.

...Hyland said he expects as many as 1,000 supporters to turn out for the event at Edison High School, where former senator George Allen and Reps. Tom Davis and Frank R. Wolf are expected to speak. Former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III is planning to attend, as is a widely known surrogate from McCain's campaign, organizers said.

Exactly what kind of outreach does the GOP think Allen -- the man who gave us the word "Macaca", kept a confederate flag and a noose in his office, hangs out with buddies of a white supremacist group, as well as bragged about stuffing a deer head in an African American family's mailbox -- will be able to do?

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