Marriage Equality: Brad Pitt V. Mormons

(Original version on Calitics. Full disclosure: I work for the Courage Campaign, which is a No on 8 coalition member) The newest major donor to the

(Original version on Calitics. Full disclosure: I work for the Courage Campaign, which is a No on 8 coalition member)

The newest major donor to the No on Prop 8: Equality for All campaign is one Brad Pitt. It comes at a key time in fundraising over the initiative that would take away the right for gays and lesbians to get married. The Yes side is seeing a major surge in donations, flooding into their coffers. In fact, they are out raising us 3 to 2 right now, Brad Pitt's donation included.

Here is what Brad Pitt had to say about Prop 8:

Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8.

The Mormon church is getting heavily involved in the campaign. It looks like about 35% of contributions to the other side have come in from Mormons, or at least that is what they are claiming over at this Mormons for 8 website. A high percentage of the large checks are coming from Utah.

Here is the question: is a religious institution trying to buy this election and change the California Constitution?

They aren't just donating. They are fueling their GOTV activities. Mormons have been invading neighborhoods en mass. They are not using walk lists, but rather descend in large groups to knock doors and try and pass out the million yard signs they think is going to win them this election. It's flat out creepy. It freaks out entire communities and usually the No on 8 campaign hears within a few minutes where the Mormons have decided to invade on any given day.

Look, I don't have anything specific against Mormons. It's just that when a specific religious institution decides to play a large role in a political battle, it weirds me out. Separation of chuch and state....

I know many of you have seen the polls and think we are going to win the battle over fundamental rights here in California. But I have news from you. The other side is winning the fundraising battle. They are energized with volunteers and are counting on a sort of Bradley effect to put them over the top. This is from an email from Dale Bankhead, the campaign manager for No on 8:

You've probably heard that the polls show our side ahead. Some are saying that victory for our side is a sure thing. Don't be fooled! This race is too close to call. The ugly truth we have learned from defeat after defeat in states across the country is that people lie on polls, especially about how they feel about LGBT people. In contest after contest, from Wisconsin to Colorado, we have gone into election day with polls showing our side with 7 to 10 points more support than we actually received at the ballot box.

This thing is close. Want anecdotal evidence? Key campaign staffers and leaders within the gay community are somehow squeezing their long awaited personal weddings in right now. They are not running the risk that they will not be able to get married after the election. So they are taking time out of working on the campaign to get married themselves.

The No on 8 campaign needs your help. This is THE biggest campaign in California and we can't win it without money and volunteers.

So give via the Calitics ActBlue page directly to the campaign. And sign-up to volunteer. They need people in their offices making calls and IDing voters. This weekend there are a ton of field activities to participate in, as the Mormons and others on the Yes side try and pass out their million lawn signs.

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