Mike's Blog Round Up
APFN: Last February Eliot Spitzer wrote a blistering opinion piece for the Washington Post detailing how, in 2003, the Bush administration had stopped
APFN: Last February Eliot Spitzer wrote a blistering opinion piece for the Washington Post detailing how, in 2003, the Bush administration had stopped the states from going after predatory lenders. During the same period, he testified before Congress on the matter. It wasn't long afterward Spitzer became the target of a White House and Wall Street dirty tricks operation to silence one of its most dangerous critics in the handling the financial crisis we're now living through.
Mother Jones: Where Credit is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis
naked capitalism: On the dishonest sale of the bailout plan
The Daily Banter: Andrew Sullivan's fantasy world
Talk To Action: Ron Paul endorses a theocrat for president
Faithful Progressive: The Era of No Government is Over