As Predicted: Tucker Bounds Tries To Say That McCain Is Responsible For Breaking The Bailout Stalemate
We knew this was coming..... Exaggeration and truth-stretching is standard fare in politicking, but McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds took it to a new
Exaggeration and truth-stretching is standard fare in politicking, but McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds took it to a new level today when he told Andrea Mitchell that John McCain's selfless act of leadership in coming back to Washington single-handedly helped push through negotiations on the bailout bill. Nevermind the fact that McCain still hasn't contacted the ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, Richard Shelby, and that his campaign is very much still in effect... John McCain put country first and personally saved the economy from disaster. Give me a break.
"Before John McCain suspended his campaign yesterday, the situation that we're looking at today looked very different then. After he showed leadership and called for bipartisanship, and called for us to put partisanship aside and tackle this solution, here we are."
Barney Frank said earlier today that 'White House photo-op designed to help McCain.'
“All of a sudden, now that we’re on the verge of making a deal, John McCain drops himself in to make a deal," Frank said. "I really worry about this politicization of it....We're trying to rescue the economy, not the McCain campaign.
McCain was only interfering with the negotiations.
Rep. Barney Frank told a group of reporters outside the House chamber: "It's the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys."