The Daily Show Takes On Fox's War On Christmas: 'S**t's Getting Weird Edition'

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart gave Fox's Gretchen Carlson and Megny Kelly the treatment they deserved after they both decided to one up Bill O'Reilly and his fake 'war on Christmas" this week.

Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show this Thursday by taking on Fox and their never ending fake outrage over the so-called “war on Christmas” which, as Stewart explained, has managed to get a little weird this week, with both Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly jumping into what's normally Bill O'Reilly territory.

After playing a portion of Carlson freaking out and asking “Why do I have to drive around with my kids to look for a nativity scenes and be, like, ‘Oh, yeah, kids, look, there’s baby Jesus behind the Festivus pole made out of beer cans! It’s nuts!” Stewart responded:

STEWART: Why are you driving around looking for nativity scenes in a car, when you could just bring your kids to where you work, where you put a giant nativity scene out on the plaza?

Stewart went on to lambast Fox's Megyn Kelly for her ridiculous reassurance to children who might be watching her show as to whether Santa Claus is white or not:

STEWART: Santa is just white. And who are you actually talking to? Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at ten o'clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out that he isn't white. Why? That's such a narrow... “Yes, West Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”

But since we're pretending to debate this, carry on.

KELLY: The author, she's African American, and she seems to have real pain in having grown up with this image of a white Santa. Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change.

STEWART: Actually, I think that's the official slogan of oppression.

Stewart finished things up with some “historical facts” of his own on just what race and color both St. Nicholas and Jesus actually were with Daily Show correspondent Jessica Williams and a bit of perspective on why the likes of the talking heads over at Faux “news” are terribly uncomfortable with the notion that either man was not white.

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